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Special measures for Ukraine

The Ministry of Justice has adopted special measures to support Portuguese citizens and their family members in Ukraine.

logo Portugal for Ukraine

The Ministry of Justice created this channel to provide support to the Portuguese citizens and their families in Ukraine who are or were in Ukraine and who, due to the armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine, are returning to Portugal, as well as to the Portuguese who, being in some cases also Ukrainians or having Ukrainian family members, intend to leave Portugal.

In this special context, Portuguese citizens and Ukrainian citizens have at their disposal several services, online and in person, to solve their documental and legal situations, individual or of their companies.

Services for Citizens

Request the Citizen Card

The Citizen´s Card identifies the Portuguese citizen before any public or private entity in Portugal and in the countries of the European Union.

You may request the Citizen Card if you have Portuguese nationality.

To request the Citizen Card are avaliable the following options:

  • a dedicated desk, in Lisbon and Oporto
  • the online request through the form. Wait for the contact from IRN’s services
  • scheduling by telephone – Registry Line 211 950 500 (option 2).


Request Portuguese passport

The Passport is an indispensable document for any Portuguese citizen wishing to travel outside the European Union and the Schengen Area. 

To request a Passport, it is necessary a valid Citizen´s Card. Are available the following options:

  • a dedicated desk, in Lisbon and Oporto
  • the online request through the form. Wait for the contact from IRN’s services
  • scheduling by telephone – Registry Line 211 950 500 (option 2).


Register a child

Children of a Portuguese father or mother, born in Portugal and abroad, are entitled to Portuguese nationality. 

Birth registration is free and compulsory and can be requested online by parents for children under one year of age.

Alternatively, you can apply in person for the registration of a child's birth. Are avaliable the following options:

  • a dedicated desk, in Lisbon and Oporto
  • the online request through the form. Aguarde o contacto dos serviços do IRN
  • Scheduling by telephone - Registry Line 211 950 500 (option 2).


Register a marriage

Portuguese citizens who got married abroad can request the marriage certificate in Portugal. 

A foreign citizen married to a Portuguese citizen, or in a non-marital partnership, for more than three years may apply for Portuguese nationality. 

To request the marriage certificate in Portugal, are avaliable the following options:

  • a dedicated desk, in Lisbon and Oporto
  • the online request through the form. Wait for the contact from IRN’s services
  • scheduling by telephone – Registry Line 211 950 500 (option 2).


Apply for Portuguese nationality 

The children and grandchildren of Portuguese citizens and foreign citizens married to a Portuguese citizen, or in a non-marital partnership for more than three years may apply for Portuguese nationality.

In these situations, to apply for Portuguese nationality, are avaliable the following options:

  • a dedicated desk, in Lisbon and Oporto
  • the online request through the form. Wait for the contact from IRN’s services
  • scheduling by telephone Registry Line 211 950 500 (option 2).


Register the death of a family member

To request the death certificate of a Portuguese family member who died abroad, are avaliable the following options:

  • a dedicated desk, in Lisbon and Oporto
  • the online request through the form. Wait for the contact from IRN’s services
  • scheduling by telephone Registry Line 211 950 500 (option 2).


Services for Companies

Portuguese citizens with an open activity who want to:

  • form a company or association
  • open a subsidiary or a branch
  • regularise a company

have the following optinos:

  • the Balcão Company IN  in Lisbon and Oporto
  • the online request through the form. Wait for the contact from IRN’s services
  • Scheduling by telephone Registry Line  211 950 500 (option 2)


Telephone Service

Registry Line 211 950 500

dial 2 to access the special helpline for Ukrainian citizens. 

Opening hours: 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday.



Dedicated face-to-face service desks

The IRN provides, in Lisbon and Oporto, the following desks dedicated to the affairs of Portuguese and Ukrainian citizens:

  • Registo Civil de Lisboa
    Address: Avenida Fontes Pereira de Melo,n°7-11
    1050-115 Lisboa (open location on map)

  • Balcão Company IN
    Registo Nacional de Pessoas Coletivas
    Address: Praça Silvestre Pinheiro Ferreira 1C Apartado 4064
    1501-803 Lisboa (open location on map)

  • Registo Civil do Porto
    Address: Palacete Pestanas, Rua Gonçalo Cristóvão,n°371
    4000-270 Porto (open location on map)
  • Balcão Company IN
    1.º Cartório Notarial de Competência Especializada de Matosinhos
    Address: Rua de Camposinhos, 196 Leça da Palmeira
    4450-617 Matosinhos (open location on map)

Send your request

Use the form to send your request. If necessary, please attach documents in  PDF, PNG or JPEG up to 10 MB.


  • ID

  • - -

  • - -

  • Parents

  • Services for citizens and companies

  • Filename
    • Filename
      • The data collected in this form is intended for processing user requests and will not be used for any other purpose. If you do not authorize the processing of your data, we will not be able to accept your request.

      Information updated on 03 August 2022 10:49